Tag: fitness

How Exercise Can Grow Your Child a Bigger, Better Brain

Move By Design

It’s not rocket science that regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for adults and children. Yet, very few are aware that exercise could build your child a bigger, better brain (and possibly even help them become a rocket scientist!)

Exercise Works

The most commonly recognized benefits of physical activity include:

  • Stronger muscles
  • Increased bone density
  • Better coordination
  • Improved cardiovascular function
  • Enhanced insulin sensitivity

The end result is a major decrease in lifestyle-related illnesses such as Cancer, Heart Disease & Diabetes, and many other related conditions in adults and children. These are all wonderful side effects of a consistent exercise program.

Less commonly known are the exciting effects of exercise on the brain and who is more important to target with these effects than the developing brains of our most precious assets… our children.

What’s The Big Deal?

Not only do kids have the most neuro-plasticity (ability to change their brain and nervous systems) but they have the most potential as well. Think about it, anything done to improve their health or performance is multiplied exponentially the sooner positive change begins.

You’ve probably heard or seen this ancient proverb that captures the concept perfectly:

“As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.”

How would you love your kids to start experiencing any one of these benefits?

  • Higher IQ
  • Increase brain cell growth
  • Boosted self-esteem
  • Deeper sleep
  • Enhanced cognition

How Does It Happen?

First off, exercise improves blood flow to the brain which increases oxygenation of the cerebral tissues and number two, keeping up with a frequent fitness routine increases neurological input into the brain.

Think of your training sessions not only working your muscles and your lungs but also feeding the brain. In a sense, it’s a form of neurological nutrition that is vital to the growth and development of your neurons.

Even better, making exercise a habit for you and your kids has a long-term protective effect. How about reversing the normal age-related brain shrinkage as a bonus for your efforts?

Whether you’re worried about a future with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s or you just want to begin thinking more clearly…

The best time to start training for a bigger, better brain is today, the next best time was 40 years ago. Let’s make sure our kids get ahead of the game and actively engage in a regular fitness routine.

Not only will their body benefit but their brain will too.





Dr. Steven Gall has been offering exceptional chiropractic care to infants, children and adults for over 25 years. He has spent his life learning, and improving his knowledge, skills and ability to provide his care. As a public speaker and health coach he strives to assist people in seeing and attaining a life of extraordinary health. Contact the office to join others who have started the same journey.

10 Reasons Those Who Workout Together Stay Together

workout together
Move By Design

With the divorce rate nearing 50% and a “healthy” relationship charting at the top of almost every wish list…it only makes sense that anything we can do to improve the chances of success should be expedited to the front of the line.

A reasonable body of research is beginning to paint a favorable picture. Those who workout together stay together.

Here are 10 reasons why:

Deeper connection.

Training together fosters your connection. It will give you both an opportunity to watch the other be challenged and succeed. It can build empathy and appreciation.

Reduced stress.

Research shows that those who workout regularly are better able to handle the normal daily stresses which we all face. Finding a productive release for stress vs. bringing it home makes the interaction with your loved one more peaceful and enjoyable.

Increased self-confidence.

Setting goals together like improved body composition or completing a Tough Mudder can give you a sense of empowerment and excitement about what might be possible when working as a team.

Improved intimacy.

More energy, an improved body image, and overall enhanced physical function which comes from training can lead to improvements in the physical aspects of your relationship 🙂

More quality time.

Having trouble finding time to spend with each other. Carving out a training schedule that works for both gives you a guaranteed “date” to look forward to multiple times each week.

Successful dieting.

You are likely following the same or similar eating plan. What can be an extremely difficult endeavor, now becomes a team effort and exponentially easier to stay the course with. Have you tried eating By Design?

Less fighting.

Taking your aggression out on the weight instead of projecting your anger into your relationship means fewer fights, less disagreements, and more time focused on what matters most.

Enjoy your downtime.

With a busy life that now includes a regular fitness schedule, you’ll be much more appreciative of the down time you have.

Enjoy shared values.

One of the most overlooked requirements for a successful relationship is shared values. It’s amazing how many relationships fail not because there’s a “lack of love” but instead because there’s a shortage of values both partners care deeply about. Training together gives a couple one more value they can fully engage in together.

Grow stronger together.

No question lifting together will make you physically stronger but it’s the sum all the components that are encompassed into a regular training program that will make your relationship stronger as well.

Make the investment in yourself by committing to a workout program right away and for a boost to your relationship, up the ante by adding your partner into the mix.

Dr. Steven Gall has been offering exceptional chiropractic care to infants, children and adults for over 25 years. He has spent his life learning, and improving his knowledge, skills and ability to provide his care. As a public speaker and health coach he strives to assist people in seeing and attaining a life of extraordinary health. Contact the office to join others who have started the same journey.

5 Training Mistakes Causing Your Fitness Routine To Fail

training mistakes
Move By Design

The more time that passes working in the health field the more I see the same 5 training mistakes that cause people’s fitness routines to fail.

No one plans to fail, but that doesn’t negate the cold hard fact that most people do not achieve the results they’re searching for.

You want to lose body fat but you’re not.

You want to get stronger but you’re not.

You want your clothes to fit better but they don’t.

You’d love to have more energy but are more tired than ever!

You wish you felt better but you’re still in pain.

Reality exists and the sooner you accept that this is where you are the sooner you can start figuring out what the heck is going wrong and begin the process of getting it fixed.


When I ask our practice members about what they do to keep in shape, they often reply “I walk”.

Now, don’t get me wrong… walking regularly at a brisk pace for an extended time does have some health benefits such as reducing your chance of dying from anything (all-cause-mortality) by around 10%.

While I’ll take the 10%, walking doesn’t have the dramatic health benefits including strength development, increased metabolism, and efficient fat loss that other forms of training have.

Walking is a good start or “extra” activity but it shouldn’t form the foundation of your fitness routine.


It may sound like I’m beating a dead horse.

Learning why you should and how to train for strength is a central component of Life By Design.

However, there’s a reason it needs to be discussed regularly… that’s because very few people are actually doing it!

Strength development is THE central piece to attaining most of the goals you’re attempting to achieve. If you’re exercising at home, in a gym by yourself or even trying some bootcamps there’s a good chance you’re not training for strength.

In fact, a very big misconception is that if you’re using “weights” you must be strength training and that’s simply just not true.


Yes, I said “not enough”. You did read that correctly.

Every time someone has a goal that includes losing body fat, the natural inclination is to eat less. When I review the results of a food log from someone “not getting results” it’s almost always a case of 1. Not enough food. 2. Not enough fat. 3. Not enough protein.

How can you let go of body fat if you don’t have enough nutrition to support your body’s optimal function? You can’t and you won’t. Your body is smart enough to know when it’s time to just survive and when it’s time to thrive.

Take away calories and nutrients, it’s survival mode for you. Good luck losing any body fat until you get this fixed.


This mistake is an extension of #2 but common enough to make it a separate conversation.

Do you know what high intensity means? It doesn’t mean working hard. It means working at a higher percentage of your maximum.

Now anyone who’s done this knows it’s challenging but you could also do 100 arm curls which will definitely make you sweat and breathe harder, but it won’t give you the results you’re looking for (unless those results are sweet beach biceps!)

To develop strength & build a body that uses energy (aka fat) to sustain itself all day long, you need use resistance near your peak capacity. This means if you can squat 100 pounds 1x, you’re best to use 80-90 pounds and squat that weight 2-5 times for 3-5 sets.


I saved the best for last.

Even IF you had some of this figured out such as the diet & training for strength…make this last mistake and you’ll be stuck where you are forever.

The difference between a fitness routine and a training program that will get you the results you’ve been dreaming of is the principle of progression.

Most are doing the exact same thing they’ve always done. Walking, treadmill, elliptical, a few circuits on the machines, or a class.

Without a strategically planned program with detailed progressions built into it, how can you expect to see any change in your outcomes?

You can’t simply repeat the same exercises, at the same difficulty level, in the same order as you’ve continued to do every time you follow your fitness routine.

If you want results like strength, flexibility, fat loss, less pain, and more energy, it won’t be easy but if you know what you’re doing or have experts who do, it’s also not rocket science.


Dr. Steven Gall has been offering exceptional chiropractic care to infants, children and adults for over 25 years. He has spent his life learning, and improving his knowledge, skills and ability to provide his care. As a public speaker and health coach he strives to assist people in seeing and attaining a life of extraordinary health. Contact the office to join others who have started the same journey.

Building Muscle To Lose Fat

lose fat
Move By Design

There’s a fairly standard approach to lose fat…eat less and move more. To most people this means a restrictive diet and hitting the treadmill.

While nibbling on rice cakes and jogging may highlight the accepted procedure, it also doesn’t work as well (nor is it as enjoyable) as a different method – building muscle to lose fat.

Fat Loss 101

Dropping some lbs is probably on the hit list for most and it’s been that way for decades… you’d think we would have a simple, straight forward understanding of fat loss by now.

Amidst the complexity there are at least 2 things more experts can agree on:

  1. You need some level of caloric deficit
  2. Fat loss is a hormonal event

Calorie Deficit

In a nutshell, you’re going to need to burn more energy than you more than consume.

This is how the “obvious” strategy of dieting and cardio come to be the holy grail of fat loss.

Makes sense right? Eat less food and burn 500 calories in 60 minutes getting tortured on your favourite piece of cardio equipment.

It works until you eat that 500 calorie pint of ice cream and completely wipe out any good that came from your suffering. The cycle repeats.

Attempting to win the calorie in – calorie out battle can result in a viscous cycle of failure, one that often has negative psychological results to boot.

Your Hormones

Fat loss is a product of the right hormones telling the body to release the stored “energy” in the fat cells for its own use.

Think of the fat cells like the body’s emergency storage tanks (storing fuel in case we need it for survival in the future).

It’s a built-in survival mechanism but it’s getting all the wrong signals!
The body just wasn’t designed to excel with a constant supply of processed food, low activity levels and extensive external stressors.

The Solution

In order to address the problem in an effective and sustainable way, we need to set up an environment within the body that is conducive to releasing body fat for energy and sustaining that release over long periods of time.

This is where our changed perspective comes in…

What if instead of trying to burn calories and eat less food, we put the attention on building muscle and letting your body do most of the work?

You see, more muscle means more mitochondria, the powerhouses within your cells. More mitochondria means more fat burning, a faster metabolism, better glucose regulation…in short, building more muscle means an increase in ALL DAY, 24 HOUR caloric output.

Hands down, that beats trading calories on the treadmill for calories from your meals any day!

How To Build Muscle To Lose Fat

  • Eat protein with EVERY single meal
  • Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Add omega 3 fats
  • Lift heavy (for you) weights
  • Get adequate rest and recovery
  • Get some sunlight or supplement with Vitamin D

It may be a new perspective (to you), building muscle to lose fat, but the arrows point to the need for a new culturally accepted methodology for fat loss. This is one you can routinely enjoy both in the gym AND the kitchen.

Dr. Steven Gall has been offering exceptional chiropractic care to infants, children and adults for over 25 years. He has spent his life learning, and improving his knowledge, skills and ability to provide his care. As a public speaker and health coach he strives to assist people in seeing and attaining a life of extraordinary health. Contact the office to join others who have started the same journey.