Tag: linden ridge

Kids Need Protein to Thrive

kids need protein
Eat By Design

Protein is a macronutrient that plays an essential role in thousands of functions within the human body. The building blocks that protein delivers, known as amino acids, are a requirement for normal and healthy development.

This means because amino acids are located in muscle, bone, ligaments, skin, hair, blood…effectively every tissue, kids need protein to thrive.

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Dr. Steven Gall has been offering exceptional chiropractic care to infants, children and adults for over 25 years. He has spent his life learning, and improving his knowledge, skills and ability to provide his care. As a public speaker and health coach he strives to assist people in seeing and attaining a life of extraordinary health. Contact the office to join others who have started the same journey.

Secret Holiday Survival Hacks

Life By Design

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… unless “health” is still on your Christmas or New Year’s list.  With more stress, less sleep, a few extra drinks, tasty treats and a dwindling fitness routine, you could probably use these secret holiday survival hacks.

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Dr. Steven Gall has been offering exceptional chiropractic care to infants, children and adults for over 25 years. He has spent his life learning, and improving his knowledge, skills and ability to provide his care. As a public speaker and health coach he strives to assist people in seeing and attaining a life of extraordinary health. Contact the office to join others who have started the same journey.

30 Tips To Make Your Diet (Actually) Work

Eat By Design

Now you’re done with last year’s diet fad and once again, it fell short on the panacea of results the infomercial like social media posts promised. If you‘re ready to ease into a sensible, science based approach… here’s 30 tips to make your diet (actually) work.

Eat By Design is a straight forward framework built on 10 fundamental principles.

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Dr. Steven Gall has been offering exceptional chiropractic care to infants, children and adults for over 25 years. He has spent his life learning, and improving his knowledge, skills and ability to provide his care. As a public speaker and health coach he strives to assist people in seeing and attaining a life of extraordinary health. Contact the office to join others who have started the same journey.

8 Tips To Make Your Fasting Experience A Huge Success

Eat By Design

Have you heard of this new exciting approach to fat loss, better health and longevity?

It’s called intermittent fasting!!

OK, maybe it’s not new at all but it may be new to you and worth trying on for size.

Here’s 8 tips to make your fasting experience a huge success.

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Dr. Steven Gall has been offering exceptional chiropractic care to infants, children and adults for over 25 years. He has spent his life learning, and improving his knowledge, skills and ability to provide his care. As a public speaker and health coach he strives to assist people in seeing and attaining a life of extraordinary health. Contact the office to join others who have started the same journey.